Label terms

Whole foie gras 100% of foie gras, one or more lobes or, for small containers, a single piece of lobe.

Foie gras Agglomerated pieces of liver (no more than three).

Blocks of foie gras with pieces, reconstituted foie gras, which may contain pieces that are visible when cut,
but with a minimum of 50% pieces for goose and 30% for duck.

Block of foie gras, reconstituted foie gras, which may contain visible pieces when cut.75% foie gras minimum,
duck liver mixed with poultry liver.
The percentage of foie gras must be indicated. 50% minimum foie gras

Duck liver pâté, the core is a 50% block surrounded by a stuffing.

Galantine de foie de canard (duck liver galantine), liver mixed with a stuffing with 35% of pieces appearing in the cut.

Duck liver purée or mousse with mixed foie gras and stuffing, minimum 20% foie gras

Any name followed by the words “au foie gras” or “au foie de canard” with an indication of the percentage of foie gras.
Mixed liver and stuffing.